Nails: What You Should Do and What You Should Not Do to Have Healthy Nails

Nails: What You Should Do and What You Should Not Do to Have Healthy Nails

Look closely at your nails. Are they strong and have a healthy appearance? Or do you notice that there are grooves, crevices or areas that have unusual color or shape? Many unwanted nail conditions can be avoided with proper care. Others may indicate an undiagnosed condition that needs attention. Nails: what is normal and what is not Nails, which … Read more

5 Tips for Perfect Blonde Hair

Blonde is one of the most beloved colorations of Brazilian women, but it is also the one that most damages the hair . It is a difficult task to keep the locks with a flawless color and well-treated appearance, but nothing that an expert’s opinion does not help change. Marcos Proença is behind some of … Read more

Beneficent Wedding

This is an idea that fits very well for those newlyweds who already live together or, for any other reason, already have a home furnished and equipped and exempt wedding gifts. The suggestion is to clarify already in the invitation that the grooms suggest that the presents are given in the form of donation. This … Read more

Help For Traumatic Stress

During extreme trauma like there is no doubt the sensory overload that leaves a trail of emotional different in mind. Neurological there are three significant areas of brain activity between the pre-frontal cortex, the amygdala and hippocampus which will shoot quickly neuro-receptors to process ‘experience’ while at the same time trying to calculate a solution … Read more